
Unveiling the Secrets: Tips for Choosing Quality Wax Melts
While scented candles are familiar, not everyone has heard of wax melts. These unsung heroes of the fragrance world have a history as fascinating as their aromatic appeal.
Clive's Guide to Essential Oils
Make the most of your essential oils with Clive's handy guide. Whether you prefer your fragrance dispersed into your surroundings or directly onto your skin, we're here to help you enjoy your essential oils safely.
How To Refill Your Reed Diffuser
Following countless requests, we are happy to launch our Reed Diffuser Refills! Available in all of our reed diffuser fragrances, our refills allow you to switch and change your fragrances without the need to replace your diffuser bottle.
Make The Most Of Your Festive Diffusers
Most people don’t realise that you can store your diffusers when they become ‘out of season’. By following just a few simple steps, you can make your favourite Christmas reed diffusers last up to 3 years!
The 8 Fragrance Families
What type of fragrances do you like? This is a question I ask new visitors when they are attempting to ‘Stop & Sniff’ every candle fragrance on display at the events I attend. The response usually falls into three categories…